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tv   Headline News  RT  February 17, 2013 8:00pm-8:28pm EST

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a meteoric rise to stardom in a once in a century media is central russia exploding with the force of around twenty who roshumba bombs and leaving more than twelve hundred people injured. egypt's support site is gripped by mass protests led by football fans who are furious over the damning court verdict that blamed local supporters for a stadium riot that left more than seventy people dead last year. incumbent a rough claims of victory in ecuador's presidential elections as exit polls have been well on the way to a big win a prior to the announcement of the fischel results.
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and broadcasting live from moscow with today's top news and recapping the week's top stories this is r t with a weekly report now the world was why died this week over dramatic images from central russia a plunging meteor exploded with a blinding flash before crashing into the urals early on friday now it is not hard to imagine the shock felt by the residents of the area take a look at this flash of light as it streaks across the sky they saw a fireball race above their heads it took a while for people to realize what was actually happening now the blast set off a powerful shockwave smashing windows and buildings while injuring and be willed ring those inside and you can see the images of that happening right here after a struggle to locate traces of the space visitor a team from the russian academy of sciences has reportedly found some remnants of the media or r.c.c. good piece going on takes a closer look now at how it all unfolded. it
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was like a scene from a movie but with one exception it was real first the brilliant flash was big bright like he was shining across the sky you know blinding brighter than the sun the skies were lit up by a meteor streaking across the skies above the russians. over want to have thousand kilometers east of moscow where not just any usual glaring flaws i thought it all lies from a car then we ran to the window saw this strange cloud and then and then this. would turn around and the wall was a gun like someone had moved it the series of massive explosions rocked the entire city damaging buildings and shattering windows.
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nasa said the explosive force of the media or breaking up was the equivalent of two one to hear oshima bombs over twelve hundred people were injured including over two hundred children mostly from pieces of shattered glass. the windows just exploded i saw one girl he did her head and a bring his hand we were told to quickly put our clothes on and ran out so many were able to film the owner of the phenomenon later flooding the web with footage as rumors spread of what it might have been a stricken airplane a satellite that fell out of orbit even the beginning of the and of the world would mrs reported seeing fragments of the crashing all across the region. i saw a small can there was a weird smell but it was not a fire so i think it's a piece of meteorite and his small during their no for now the immediate priority is to look after the injured and repair the damage to buildings especially the broken windows in schools and residential areas as temperatures. drop below minus
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fifteen celsius is going to take time to clear everything else but for now science like this collapsed factory or a clear reminder no matter how advanced technology gets nowadays often when it comes to nature we can only watch helplessly and hope for the best we can offer putting there from of the year olds where it all took place now despite the huge size of the meteor its russian its appearance in the russian skies was a surprise it entered the earth's atmosphere completely unnoticed by anyone. explains why. you wonder why the scientists haven't seen this thing coming after all it was quite a doozy was really large as a matter of fact buzz at the same time the scientists are saying that there's way too many things flying out there in outer space and although this one was a big one they can't really keep track of everything that's coming but seriously this thing weighed more than ten thousand tons when it was approaching earth or so the scientists say of course when it entered the atmosphere it mindblowing the
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speed of thirty kilometers per second that's really really fast when it entered the atmosphere it broke into several pieces and those went scattering all over the region this is the region that we're actually concerned with but it actually went all around the place we're only going with what the scientists and the emergency ministries are saying and they're saying that this icy pits this is a crater where the fragment one of the fragments has fallen of course we have to understand that this actually has been the biggest thing to hit this planet in over a century or so this scientists believe the last time something like this happened was in one thousand nine hundred eighty two when the crash landed somewhere in siberia destroying thousands of square kilometers of forest causing acid rains to fall causing me and plants and forests but it's also one of the biggest mysteries in the universe because nobody has ever found a crater from the meteor or no no fragments of the meteor have been found so this
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is kind of a big mystery that a lot of people who are trying to cash in on this the even even today a hundred years later but back to reality back to present a region of course there has been plenty of damage you've seen the pictures of the damage plants and buildings but actually a lot of people are saying it could have been a lot worse if history is any indication they're all. massive you were said was caused by. and russia the european space agency others that are out there trying to detect its record asteroids but honestly there's a lot of there's hundreds of thousands and their biggest focus is on the really large ones ones that are hundreds of meters in diameter oaklawn that isn't going to matter that could potentially you know do to us what happened to the dinosaurs and another thing that been screeching is actually something of a nuclear hotspot in russia and fact during the soviet era this was the place for
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nuclear research so it has at least seven nuclear facilities that are located in the region and a lot of people are saying that if at least one of them was hit with one of the fragments from an asteroid we would have been dealing with complications infinitely worse than we're having on our hands right now we would be dealing with a nuclear disaster but thankfully that did not happen and although this entire event was rather frightening and quite damaging still things could have been a lot worse and it's a good thing that everything turned out the way it did from the universe to the twitter verse so to speak the dramatic strike led to an immediate online response with a video like this being shared and bloggers speculating as to what had just happened the impact also triggered an entrepreneurial impulse among some of the locals who wanted to sell parts of what they claimed was the meteor. the most expensive pieces would set any potential buyer back cool turning ground however the offer left many
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skeptical as even scientists at the scene had trouble locating what was left of the meteor after it broke apart our trees lindy friends and kevin owen have been looking at the online reaction the twitter sphere is blowing up the internet is just chock full of funny outrageous just odd things people are posting with maybe a little too much time on their hands you know all this video is great and wonderful but then you hit twitter and you see posts like this tanks are passing down the streets citizens are urged to get out of the shelters lunch box handouts pardon had been arranged only at the end you realized ok this is not really happening this is not just the same guy sits there and starts tweeting about what's happening in town saying we're being given chemical protection and gas masks the city is almost entirely evacuated we're setting up barricades and in islam you know we're joking about know the power of these things i mean it was a frightening of if you didn't know what was happening at the time if you're reading this it could spread it would startle you as you think why is he why does it have so much time to tweet about all of this happening and then you got you got
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to did merely funny stuff to the citizens of chile have been scar already checking to see which superpowers they have god knows of you know the radiation from the explosion may have caused them to have extra their insulin tomorrow but honestly when you come to our local weather reports it's negative seventeen degrees celsius in chelyabinsk there's wind and a slight meteor that's more clever yeah. i think so ok and then you know who is the guy who you know it's that one liner that happens around valentine's day pluck a star from the sky who is that you know what who promised to pick a star from the sky on valentine's day yes i'm going to town that imitation of course and then you've got people from over you know english speaking countries tweeting about breaking news baby found in the middle of a meteorite crash that he's miraculously unharmed wrapped in what seems to be a red cape and allusion to sue. oh man if you get if you get that i got mad when i saw that but that was nice and then of course you've got the photo shop action
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angry birds flying in on the tail of the media are coming and then you've got the russians who are bruce willis popular boy we're going to go around the world than to start this stuff killed my brother please don't laugh. is a go yes you never know you got to have remained in what's going to hit you just know us kick in the rocket ride over there russia from the united states field karate hero because you know you have to go after where these friends or whatever then of course you couldn't get out of our of the rocket down to the crash site as he does you know as i think i'm going to do that's nice excellent lots of photoshop as well also we've got one as well a football for was over in britain for a couple of this one football for speculating over that much for three rushes in the. hall just a day before he said it could be read snow for a meteor or a meteor shower would come down and hey what do we know that we didn't when i saw this i was thinking you know what i want to know when the red snow is. your place
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or a loser just will let you get on with it thank you very much. and you can find out more about the meteor on our website there we have a special section devoted to the unexpected guest including the exact timeline of the incident as well as more images and firsthand accounts. of. the egyptian city of port side a has been brought to a standstill by protests spearheaded by local football supporters the strike action affected transport communication as well as other government services this follows a wave of unrest in the city unleashed by a court decision to convict local soccer fans for inciting a last year's riot that left more than seventy people dead well true has the latest on that from cairo. the ultra hardcore football fans who call these acts that we
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didn't see how upset they will escalate in the next few days if their demands a not match to be expecting tomorrow and then the following the next three days for that to be similar occiput disobedience across this very restive city what happened today is we saw about three thousand people come to the streets of poor. basically show anger against the president the authorities they reportedly surrounded the governor building they managed to actually get government employees on the science they stopped the hobbit from working and even went to the telecom buildings this however was not just the ultras the hardcore football fans who were in both other sections go to there were students teachers who staged protests after the death of a young student over the past few weeks in clashes in port sorry and as i said government protests during dinner as well that so what we're seeing really is taking quite
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a step towards independence from the country expressing that this is stretching across different parts of the city what they're saying the reason that they're angry is on twenty six january there was this court verdict that sold twenty one citizens sentenced to death after this deadly couple months ago that happened last year in february and basically pushed i.e. to people are saying this is unfair in addition they're saying that the. security forces so the way they reacted to protests by following this very contentious decision saw dozens die they said that this committee forces attacked the people of . live ammunition to look at the anger here is also got to do with the reaction of the security forces off the protests following this very contentious verdicts as i said they will escalate in the next few days people are predicting violence and they want to continue to break the curfew which is on the city. continue these acts of beating and possibly bringing the city to a standstill for the next week or two still true reporting for us there now after
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the break we bring you the latest on ecuador's presidential elections where the polls have closed and counting is under way. we speak your language. programs and documentaries and spanish matters to you. a little tentative angle of story. here. the spanish. visit. to the. audience technology innovation hall the list of elements from around russia we. covered.
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live from moscow this is our team glad to have you back with us now rafael correa has claimed a victory in ecuador's presidential elections that's as exit polls suggest he is well on his way to a third term the socialist leader has strong popular support within the country thanks to spending programs targeted at helping the poor the president is also known for granting asylum to the world's most famous whistleblower julian a song was holed up in the country's london embassy geo political analyst eric
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draitser believes korea's challenge to american influence in south america means washington does not want him in power. we've seen repeated attempts by the united states and other international forces to subvert the korea government to subvert the morale is government in bolivia as well and of course chavez in venezuela we saw against the korea government an attempted coup a couple of years ago using some strategically bought off officials within the police apparatus we should also remember korea's oppositional stance to the united states and to us imperialism a courageous oppositional stance to multinational corporations such as chevron and other corporations which seek to exploit indigenous populations in places like ecuador now close to our heart here at r.t. he has known for granting asylum to julian assange as last year something that angered america as well was considered a pre-election move to gain some support here i think partially that's part of it i
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think it was also a way of kind of striking back at the united states after their attempted coup against him in two thousand and ten it was a way of announcing to the world that ecuador was not within this fear of influence of the united states or rather that ecuador was able to make its own decisions to stand on its own two feet and also that it was promoting human rights and peace. during his state of the union speech president obama said america needs to boost its help for libya and its neighbors to bring security to the region defending his counterterrorism framework he talked about the fate of the arab spring countries and outlined plans to end america's afghanistan military mission by the end of next year more from our she's going to as you can hear his commentary from washington in his state of the union speech president obama outlined some of the external threats that the country speccing first of all pair of spreading to different parts of the
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world for what he said although the u.s. is pulling troops out of afghanistan america's war on terror will take a listen it's true different al qaeda affiliates and extremist groups have emerged from the reagan peninsula to africa the threat these groups pose is of all. but to meet this threat we don't need to send tens of thousands of our sons and daughters abroad occupying other nations we will continue to take direct action against those terrorists who pose the greatest threat to americans although there was no mentioning of the word drones everyone knew that's what the president meant when saying direct action with no u.s. troops involved what he did not talk about was the limits for this war that they've ministration his waging with the remote control the justification that the administration gave in john brennan's words. don't punish people for past guilt strike before they take action that offers a very broad scope for the use of drones to afghanistan president obama wants to
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leave some troops on the ground past twenty four thousand when they're supposed to be all out in the speech you mentioned ongoing negotiations with the afghan government on that issue and it's going to be a hard bargain because the afghan government wrists further spearing anger of their own population over foreign military presence one could sense a change maybe even their concern as the president on the results of the revolution in the arab world he said it's quote unquote messy he said the u.s. cannot dictate the course of changing countries like very cautiously very briefly pressure on syria there was a change of. remember how the u.s. was cheerleading for revolutions in those countries just a year ago with radical forces gaining momentum in places like syria like libya maybe the changes that we've now in the region are not much to their liking among other threats america faces the president talked about cyber attacks he said he had
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issued an executive order to protect government agencies and key infrastructure from cyber attacks but he did not mention is how the u.s. government itself is tearing out cyber attacks like the reported cyber attack on iran's nuclear program while there's no proof that they're building in this administration said it would view a serious cyber attack a. the united states is an act of war but apparently when the u.s. carries out the attack it should not be seen as an act of war. and now let's take a look at some other international news for you this hour in northern nigeria a security guard has been shot dead and seven foreign workers have been kidnapped when militants attacked a construction site among the nationals thought to have been taken hostage or to lebanese and italian and one greek national militants abducting foreigners and wealthy nigerians for ransom has become a relatively common occurrence in the country last month's deadly algeria oil plant siege left many fearing such attacks would surge in the west because of regional
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instability in. pakistan people have taken to the streets to voice their outrage at the killing of eighty one shia muslims in the city of protestors an islamic jihad demanded that the government boost security and take action against of the sunni militants who carried out the attack some families even refused to bury the victims until they see demands have been met. israel's former foreign minister is being tried for fraud and a breach of trust hearings started on sunday lieberman is accused of trying to promote a source that leaked details of a police probe into his business activities the former top diplomat had to step down from his post last december when the charges were first brought a close ally of prime minister benjamin netanyahu if convicted he will be banned from holding any government post for seven years and coming up robert foster musically targets one of the most painful problems for the u.s.
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gun policy that's in juice news coming up on r.t. . united states is based on. you know by care rest say you'll never have the full story. oh the news is welcome to the show today come on out to sing we've just got a studio upgrade like i'm on the system is devoted to the debate which is busy dividing the united states has to work for the big mass shootings from the receiver to to sandy hook school while someone kills them and to stop the bloodshed of this want to prevent the coming is there a concept of the scheme passed we can stop x. but kids from opposing factions of lift to respond see it is a representative of the black panthers problem is you know whiteness and it beyond judgments preach peace compassion in abundance believe that reality by return to
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see some anonymous i agree but why ban guns what you love you kidding the second amendment is the sacred law beyond gun bans are evil people are just sick suggested gun crime some ask only happen when people don't have access to semiautomatic weapons and we were given this precious right to bear arms not for hunting bears but to protect just you don't farm from native americans who were defending the land from the colonists no property from our own freaking government the states that wanted to run a complicated trying to take power they take the people like hitler stalin pol pot parchments listen chavez george the third in fact is that a brit at six in the seventy seventy six look up this appliance if you want to leave when it comes to your guns ok let's hear from the general but it's the first time we've had you both in the studio together frankly i'm shocked by what this loss of valuable american lives is a tragedy eleven thousand gun murders each can be truly we need to stop this insanity what do you suggest to start the citizenry leave guns to the criminals
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smugglers and the military with mission is the key. we need a war on drugs in a workplace like our war on drugs coming from my cold and far general place i understand the perspective of the second amendment play a bit and you prove it events like the overseer saw. him when temperance shooting shooters aim shooting no longer called a gun you've been taking your meds the feds will go away to warn you david koresh should just shoot you but that is that in connecticut was a deliberate orchestrated feature spike set up with aim to take our weapons and leave the business and buries them plus a couple times they can find. someplace ain't there waiting to take the united states and dave get a creative dictatorship in this culture the only one standing in the way of it if the slaves want guns let them be our supremacy doesn't depend on weaponry with skills meet your money admit we controlled every aspect of your life through
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ideological examination but if you think you can just stomp your feet then what you waiting for would already strip you of your liberty for the simple might seem to be if you once are bold. globalists. well i guess that sums it up and brings us to point to the end of our report on guns in the divided six of america certainly it's not our place to pos judgement but listen with a question and a last comment if your passion for the second amendment were missed by down the
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budget and then independent of the bonus media. president's day would always be there but. if it's in to be significant it's typically begins someone close to the president like to. know which ones would stay safe everyone. all of those north korean scamps are added again another nuclear test in north korea has made all the headlines trust me nuclear missiles are something worth being concerned over but haven't we heard this song and dance before all the way
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back in two thousand and two the north korean scoring to the b.b.c. ruled that they have a secret weapons program and turned their young beyond nuclear reactor back on since then every once while a missile flies and people see the war is coming and silence then another test of some sort shock horror and then silence again with great just uses this is a bargaining tool to get what they want and rather how wacky the north korean state may seem they understand that launching one or two missiles against united states means they probably won't even hit their target and in return their entire country would turn into ash instantly this situation really isn't cause for concern until something big changes like the us not being in a position to support south korea japan or some other dramatic event that changes the game like china giving up their support for the north korean side but for now the cycle just keep going on and on and about two years the same headlines will be back with the same fear will be back a lather rinse repeat but that's just my opinion.


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